Lette’s Talk
It’s taken a while to get here, but whew chile, we are finally here! I started A Touch of Vibrancy Beauty as a way to help beauty to become more vibrant. I, quickly realized, it was more to it than that. Over time, I wanted humans to create their own meaning of self-care and I wanted to be the one to help on that journey. The warm feeling of love and compassion I get when I see a smile after a makeup session or I hear someone say my products are a part of their self-care routine, is what I never knew I needed. Just to see a smile on your face is amazing in and of itself.
My family has suffered with Lupus, Diabetes, and mental illness. I wanted products and services to help aid in finding a cure while providing natural ingredients along the way. You can donate by clicking on the “Donate” button at the top of the homepage.
Overall, I want my products to make you feel untouchable, confident, and loved with a touch of vibrancy to them (see what I did there LOL). I hope you all enjoy and keep being the Vibrant Butterflies you all are!